In a 2019 study, it was estimated that approximately 30-40% of people diagnosed with ASD also have intellectual disability. Recent research has suggested that autistic people with intellectual disability tend to have rarer, more harmful, genetic mutations than those found in people solely diagnosed with autism.
Read more about Autism here.
Stimulant medications – Medications used to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder , such as Ritalin or Adderall, may be effective for the symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity in children with autism. These drugs, too, can have behavioral side effects and children taking them need to be carefully monitored. These genes likely set the stage for autism, but it’s possible that environmental factors actually trigger the condition. A number of environmental factors have been linked to autism, from viral infections to exposure to chemicals such as mercury, lead or polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs — a group of chemicals that were once used as lubricants and coolants). Some research has suggested that prenatal exposure to substances such as thalidomide (a drug used in the 1950s and ’60s to treat morning sickness, used to treat cancer) or valproic acid can cause a child to develop autism. Screening and diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder for healthcare providers. When a screening tool suggests developmental delays or signs of autism, your child’s pediatrician may refer you to a specialist.
Despite the recent development of parent training models, these interventions have demonstrated effectiveness in numerous studies, being evaluated as a probable efficacious mode of treatment. Early, intensive ABA therapy has demonstrated effectiveness in enhancing communication and adaptive functioning in preschool children; it is also well-established for improving the intellectual performance of that age group. Even infants younger than a year can display indicators of autism spectrum disorders . These signs are sometimes difficult to distinguish, and parents might confuse them with hearing problems. Some babies might actually have hearing loss or may simply be late bloomers.
Autism Symptoms
This can include a child psychologist or developmental pediatrician. Bonnie Evans is a Wellcome Trust postdoctoral research fellow at King’s College, London, Centre for Humanities and Health. She is currently conducting further research on the history of psychiatric treatment and research at the Maudsley Hospital, London, and on the history of child psychiatry and autism. She is also working on a collaborative book on ‘The Brain and the Mind’ with Lisa Appignanesi and Lara Feigel. These discussions of whether, and at what age, one could attribute desires and thoughts to infants were never concluded. Yet they continued to exist as important conceptual problems in child psychology because they concerned the origins of relational thought.
New Hope for Children: SciSparc’s patented CBD- Enhanced Solution for Autism Spectrum Disorder
Instead, he described a list of cases in which he had observed similar symptomatology. Kanner’s children were described as having a ‘good relation to objects’, in particular those ‘that do not change their appearance and position, that retain their sameness and never threaten to interfere with the child’s aloneness’. On the other hand, the children’s relation to people was ‘altogether different’ and Kanner described instances in which the children would barely notice when other people entered a room.
Despite this, misplaced parental concern has led to lower rates of childhood immunizations, outbreaks of previously controlled childhood diseases in some countries, and the preventable deaths of several children. Some studies, and anecdotal evidence, have suggested that diet can help improve symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder , a condition that may be similar to autism. Massages, weighted clothing and blankets, and meditation techniques may also help some autistic people manage symptoms. Some people may respond well to certain approaches, while others may not. As autistic children begin talking, they might also talk in an unusual tone that can range from high-pitched and “sing-songy” to robotic or flat.
What may look like self-involvement or indifference to non-autistic people stems from autistic differences in recognizing how other people have their own personalities, perspectives, and interests. Prioritizing dependability and intimacy in friendships during adolescence, coupled with lowered friendship quantity and quality, often lead to increased loneliness in autistic people. Autism spectrum disorder includes a range of symptoms, skills, and levels of ability. Plenty of conditions, like ADHD, can be mistaken for autism, and autism can be mistaken for other neurodevelopmental disorders. It can be challenging to get an accurate diagnosis for either yourself or a loved one. This article can help you narrow down and map out the possibilities of autism, something else, or multiple conditions.
Research shows that autistic people often experience physical discomfort and anxiety as a result of sensory processing issues. Childhood Disintegrative Disorder involves typical development until usually around age 3 or 4, with the child losing all language ability and sometimes toileting skills. Seizures, sensory issues, and motor skill impairments may occur.
Please note that this article is just here to guide you; only a trained medical professional can diagnose you. Symptoms in many children with autism improve with intervention or as the children mature. Some people with autism eventually lead normal or near-normal lives. However, reports from parents of children with autism indicate that some children’s language skills regress early in life, usually before age three. This regression often seems linked to epilepsy or seizure-like brain activity. Adolescence also worsens behavior problems in some children with autism, who may become depressed or increasingly unmanageable. Parents should be ready to adjust treatment for their child’s changing needs.